NMPA Research Base for Drug and Medical Device Regulatory Science Hainan Institute of Real World Data
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Promote clinical real world data applications to seize the "world number one"! The full report on th

2021-02-01 292

Hainan Provincial Government Work Report in 2021

Reviewed the work achievements of 2020 and the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"

The main goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan" are put forward

and major work in 2021


Looking back on 2020 and the work of the "13th Five-Year Plan", it is mentioned that:

◎The hoof is fast and steady, and the construction of the free trade port has been smoothly started. 120 cases of imported licensed medicinal devices were introduced in the Lecheng Pilot Area.

Determine the main goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and mention:

◎Promote benchmark projects such as clinical real-world data application to seize the "world first".

◎Increase the construction of the Happy City pilot area to promote the effective connection between international advanced medical resources and domestic health needs, attracting 500,000 overseas medical visits and 1.5 million non-going medical treatment.

Introduce the main work in 2021, mentioning:

◎Promote the construction of a scientific research base for drug and medical device supervision of the State Food and Drug Administration, and organize a conference on real-world data and evidence research.

◎Efforts will be made to cultivate the medical and health industry, and promote the construction of nine major projects including the Lecheng Pilot Zone.

The full text of the report is as follows

Government Work Report
- At the Fourth Session of the Sixth Hainan Provincial People's Congress on January 24, 2021

Feng Fei, Acting Governor of Hainan Province

Now, on behalf of the Provincial People's Government, I will report to the General Assembly on the work of the government, please review it, and invite the members of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and other non-voting delegates to make comments.
1. Review of 2020 and the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"
2020 is an extraordinary year. At the historic moment when we are moving towards a well-off society in all respects, we have encountered the sudden and major test of the COVID-19 epidemic and ushered in a historic opportunity for the start of the construction of a free trade port. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the whole province worked hard and worked hard to cope with the unprecedented "three major examinations"[1], and handed over the "three answer sheets" that satisfied the people of the whole province.
(1) Unite as one to promote epidemic prevention and control and coordinated economic and social development. Control the epidemic early. Adhere to the supremacy of the people and life, and start a people's war, an overall war, and a blocking war for epidemic prevention and control. Strictly implement the "Four Mornings" and "Four Concentrations"[2], implement Hainan's tactics such as moving the border forward, cross-sea warfare against the "epidemic", mass prevention and control, joint prevention and control, and the epidemic will be controlled within 28 days, and no new locals will be added. For confirmed cases, all county units have been adjusted to low-risk areas from March 8. 7 batches of 865 medical staff dressed in white as A, went retrograde, and made contributions to Hainan in the "second battlefield" of Hubei's anti-epidemic. It is better to achieve normalized and precise prevention and control. The Hainan strategy of "strictly controlling the entrance and releasing the island"[3] has been formed to achieve better and faster control of the epidemic. The "Healthy One-Code Pass" was promoted earlier in the country, and the number of people who received the code reached 193.9% of the permanent resident population in our province. Realize positive economic growth faster. Implemented the "six stability" and "six guarantees"[4], introduced hundreds of extraordinary measures[5], reduced taxes and fees by 17.58 billion yuan across the board, and promoted the resumption of work and production. The main economic indicators began to "V" in the second quarter type inversion. The annual GDP increased by 3.5%, the investment in fixed assets increased by 8%, the actual utilization of foreign capital increased by 100.7%, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 1.2%, the import and export trade of goods increased by 3%, and the local general public budget revenue increased by 0.2%. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural permanent residents increased by 3% and 7.7%, and many indicators were better than the whole country, reversing the situation of low ranking in recent years.
(2) We will work hard to advance the fight against poverty and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. We launch a general attack on absolute poverty. Adhering to the five-level secretary's focus on poverty alleviation, more than 2,700 rural revitalization teams and 8,583 members went to each village, and the poor people took active actions. All five poverty-stricken counties were removed, all 600 poverty-stricken villages were listed, and all 649,700 registered poor people were lifted out of poverty. We implement the requirements of "Four No Picks"[6], introduce policies such as "One Anti-Three Guarantees"[7], implement various measures of industrial poverty alleviation, employment poverty alleviation, and consumption poverty alleviation, and implement the dynamic monitoring of return to poverty and the whole process of targeted assistance. Closed-loop management, implement the "six governance" [8], promote the 15% increase in the number of poor people going out to work, the income growth rate of farmers in poverty-stricken areas is higher than the provincial average in rural areas, and achieve no return to poverty and no new poverty. More than 60,000 urban workers in difficulties were relieved. We made every effort to sprint into a well-off society in an all-round way, with more than 90% of the monitoring indicators, and a well-off society index of more than 98%. The victory of building a well-off society in an all-round way is in sight.
(3) Step by step steadily, and promote the construction of the free trade port to a smooth start. The "Overall Plan" [9] announced that the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port is booming. Accelerate the implementation of major policies. Policies such as the implementation of corporate and individual income tax incentives, the "zero tariff" positive list of imported raw materials and means of transportation and yachts, and the management measures for the list of high-end talents in short supply have been issued. Four batches of 32 institutional innovation cases were newly released. We formulated 31 annual action plans for the business environment, and introduced the "six requirements and six prohibitions" in the interaction between the government and market players [10]. For more early harvest. The number of new market entities increased by 30.9%, and the number of newly established enterprises increased by 113.7%, ranking first in the country. A total of 64 headquarters enterprises have settled in. The "New Deal" for tax-free duty on outlying islands [11] has boosted the doubling of annual sales. A total of 315 projects were signed, and 538 projects were started. 122,000 talents were introduced, an increase of 177% over the previous year. The annual container throughput of Yangpu Port has exceeded one million TEUs, and the balance of deposits in the banking industry has exceeded one trillion yuan. The Intellectual Property Court of the Free Trade Port was officially opened. Rolling forward pilot projects [12]. The global animal and plant germplasm resources introduction transit base completed the first business, "China Yangpu Port" registered 22 international ships, imported 120 licensed medicinal equipment varieties in the Lecheng Pioneer Zone, and the offshore new international trade balance increased by 10 times. Improve supervision and risk prevention. The social management information platform [13] has begun to have all-weather, real-time combat capabilities. Destroyed 39 smuggling gangs of outlying islands duty-free goods "set (on behalf of) purchase".
Delegates! 2020 is the final year of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan". It is unforgettable that General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Hainan twice in the past five years and gave important instructions 26 times. Especially on April 13, 2018, he personally attended the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Hainan's establishment of a special economic zone and announced to the world that he supported Hainan's comprehensive deepening A major national strategy for reforming and opening up and building a free trade port with Chinese characteristics. Hainan's role in the overall national development has become more prominent, and a series of profound changes have taken place in the economy and society, which will be recorded in the annals of history.
This is the five years of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up to a new level. Hainan has basically formed a "1+N" policy system for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up. A number of reforms such as "integration of multiple regulations into one" in the province, minimal approval[14], "two-in-one" supervision of health and drug administration, and overall planning of provincial medical insurance are the first in the country. The establishment of institutions, “prosperity of work and low learning”[15], and “one card” for social security have created Hainan characteristics, and new breakthroughs have been made in reforms such as refined management of airspace and rural agricultural reclamation. The maximum number of international air routes is 103, and the maximum number of domestic and foreign shipping routes is 44. The entry visa-free policy has been extended to 59 countries, and the annual inbound tourist scale has increased by 56% [16]. The actual utilization of foreign capital has doubled for three consecutive years. The International Education Innovation Island has signed contracts and settled in 32 universities. Open platforms such as the Boao Forum for Asia have been consolidated and expanded, and the 2020 Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Cooperation Chief Executives Joint Conference was successfully held.
This is the five years in which a historic breakthrough has been made in the transformation of the economic structure. The strong man broke away from the economy's dependence on real estate. The added value, investment and tax revenue of the real estate industry accounted for the proportion of regional GDP, fixed asset investment, and local general public budget revenue, which fell by 4%, 21.9%, and 25.1% from the highest point, but The economy has always maintained stable and healthy development, and successfully achieved breakthroughs. The three industrial structure adjustments are 20.5:19.1:60.4. The proportion of the service industry increased by 6.4 percentage points, and its contribution rate to economic growth reached 95.8%, an increase of 31.5 percentage points. The target of 100 billion tourism revenue was achieved one year ahead of schedule, and the growth rate of tourism revenue was 4.6 percentage points faster than the average annual growth rate of the number of tourists. 29 A-level tourist attractions were newly rated, and Baoting and Lingshui were rated as national all-for-one tourism demonstration areas. The number of high-tech enterprises has increased by nearly four times, and the average annual growth rate of the Internet industry has exceeded 30%. Major projects such as one million tons of ethylene and the second phase of Changjiang nuclear power plant were started. Regional GDP, local general public budget revenue, per capita disposable income of urban and rural permanent residents increased by an average of 5.9%, 6.9%, 7.1% and 8.4% annually.
This is the five years in which the level of urban and rural planning and construction has been greatly improved. Adhere to "one game of chess in the whole province, and the whole island in one city", and form a regional coordinated development pattern of "the north and south poles are driven, the east and west wings are accelerated, and the central mountainous area is ecologically protected". Based on the "integration of multiple plans", the province's spatial planning system has been improved, and plans have been formulated or revised for the two major economic circles in the north and south, 18 cities and counties, 11 industrial parks, 6 nature reserves, and 380 villages. 1001 beautiful villages were built. Land consolidation was strengthened, and the stock of idle land and land that was approved but not offered for sale decreased by 49% and 37.6%. The "five networks" infrastructure has been upgraded in quality. The fiber-optic broadband network and high-speed mobile communication network have achieved full coverage of urban and rural areas, and the construction of "Smart Hainan" [17] has started. Completed the three-year improvement action plan for power grid transformation. The installed capacity, power generation, and electricity consumption increased by 47%, 37.6%, and 33.5%, and the average annual power outage time decreased by 70%. The density of the road network has risen from the 20th in the country to the 13th, and the county and county are connected to expressways, all administrative villages are connected to passenger cars [18], and all natural villages that meet the conditions are connected to hardened roads [19]. Township express outlets are fully covered. City trains using high-speed rail were put into operation. The second phase of Meilan Airport is completed and will be put into operation soon. The integration of port resources was completed, and the comprehensive port throughput increased by 54.6%. The natural gas roundabout backbone network was put into use, and the urban gas penetration rate reached 97%. The construction of the Maiwan and Tianjiaotan water conservancy projects has started, and the water resources allocation capacity of the whole island has been effectively improved.
This is a five-year period with higher standards, stronger efforts and stricter governance for ecological and environmental protection. Speed ​​up the top-level design, refine the implementation plan of the National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone and 30 measures of the provincial party committee [20], complete the “three lines and one list” [21], and cancel the GDP assessment of 12 cities and counties. Focus on two rounds of rectification of problems reported by the central environmental protection inspector and the national marine inspector, and form a normalized rectification mechanism for environmental protection problems centered on the "four strictest"[22]. Create new ecological advantages of Hainan with iconic projects. The pilot system of the tropical rain forest national park system was launched and passed the national assessment and acceptance, covering more than 95% of the original forest and more than 55% of the natural forest on the island. The proportion of clean energy installed capacity has reached 67%, an increase of 23 percentage points, the proportion of clean energy vehicles has reached 4.2%, 1.3 times higher than the national level, and the vehicle-to-pile ratio is 2.4:1, 20% better than the national level. The "plastic ban" started well, and the area of ​​prefabricated buildings doubled for three consecutive years. Historic realization of zero landfill of domestic waste. The proportion of days with good air quality has reached 98%, the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) has dropped by 1 microgram/cubic meter annually, and the emission of major pollutants, energy consumption, and carbon emission intensity have achieved the national control targets ahead of schedule.
This is a five-year period in which there are many bright spots in the field of people's livelihood, and the people's sense of achievement has been continuously enhanced. More than 75% of fiscal expenditures were used for people's livelihood, an increase of 3.8 percentage points over the previous five years. People's income growth outpaced economic growth, and the income gap between urban and rural residents narrowed by 5.8%. 616,000 new urban jobs were created, an increase of 29.2%. Introduced and negotiated high-quality educational resources to cooperate in running 104 schools. The “two ratios”[23] of preschool education are higher than the national requirements, the main indicators of primary and secondary education are higher than the national average, and the “large class size” has dropped to 0.49%. 307 swimming pools in primary and secondary schools were built, and nearly half of the students received swimming training. Vocational education covers 452 majors in 32 categories. Higher education has formed a "1+2+X" overall layout [24]. Introduced 49 high-quality hospitals, added 7 tertiary first-class hospitals, "one-hour tertiary hospital service circle" covering the whole province, completed the standardization construction of 1,272 primary medical and health institutions, and added 22 kinds of Chinese and Western medicine specialist diseases to the island After treatment, "slight illnesses do not enter the city, and serious illnesses do not leave the island" began to become a reality. Eliminate malaria across the province. The coverage rate of social insurance has increased, and the participation rate of basic old-age insurance has reached 91%. Invested 6.85 billion yuan in social assistance funds for the needy, benefiting 1.6 million people in need. The rate of basic rehabilitation services for the disabled[25] has reached 100%. A total of 297,000 sets of various security functional housing units were added, and the pilot project of affordable commercial housing was launched. Successfully held 5 Hainan International Tourism Island Festivals, 3 Hainan Island International Film Festivals, Hainan International (Tourism) Book Expo, built the National South China Sea Museum, the Wuyuan River Stadium for 50,000 people, cultivated and strengthened the Qiongzhong women's football brand, and successfully organized bicycles around the island. , sailing, marathon and other international events.
This is the five years in which the capacity and level of social governance have been significantly improved. Accelerate the "four-in-one" construction of comprehensive management center, social management information platform, grid service management, and diversified solution of conflicts and disputes, continuously improve the grass-roots social governance system, and solve a number of difficult problems in letters and visits. Haikou and Qionghai have successfully established national civilized cities. The construction of Hainan under the rule of law and safe Hainan has been further promoted, and the people's sense of security has been significantly enhanced. The island-type three-dimensional, intelligent, and visualized public security prevention and control system has been upgraded. The number of criminal cases filed and the number of public security cases accepted in the province decreased by 34.7% and 32.3%, and the current homicide cases dropped to the lowest level since the establishment of the province. The special campaign against gangsters and gangsters destroyed 308 gangster-related organizations and criminal gangs. The anti-drug campaign pushed the drug use rate from 8‰ to 2.67‰. No serious accidents occurred in work safety, and the number of road traffic accidents and fatalities decreased by 25.8% and 35.1%. The food and drug quality and safety situation is generally stable.
Adhere to the leadership of political construction, consolidate and deepen the theme education of "not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission", strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance", and the government's own construction is strict and practical. Continuously deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, managing services", and implementing "one seal for approval, one window for acceptance, and one team for law enforcement". Optimizing the business environment has achieved practical results. Strengthen and improve administrative legislation, administrative reconsideration, and administrative response to lawsuits, improve major administrative decision-making mechanisms, and strengthen administrative law enforcement supervision. Submitted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress for deliberation on 120 laws and regulations, accepted 14 special inquiries, handled 1,434 proposals of the National People's Congress and 2,256 proposals of the CPPCC, with a settlement rate of 100%, formulated and revised 36 government regulations, and tried 1,513 administrative reconsideration cases pieces. Strengthen the construction of government clean government, focus on the special rectification of land use and project bidding, promote the normalization of audit "economic examination", complete the reform of public vehicles and office buildings for party and government agencies, and clean up the houses and land assets of provincial administrative institutions. The "three public" funds at the same level dropped by about 42.9%.
In the past five years, we have promoted the in-depth development of military-civilian integration, and earnestly done a good job in national defense mobilization and reserve force building, military land replacement and integration, maritime rights protection, dual support and special care, and service management for veterans. New achievements have been made in women and children, youth, ethnic and religious affairs, geology, meteorology, surveying and mapping, and food.
Delegates! The five-year course is full of challenges, and the achievements have not come easily. This is the result of the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and the result of the people of the whole province working together with one heart and one mind under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee. Here, on behalf of the Provincial People's Government, I would like to express my gratitude to the people of the whole province, to the deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, to all democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, people's organizations and people from all walks of life, to the central government, all departments of the state, and all fraternal provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. The troops stationed in Qiong and the armed police officers and soldiers would like to express their heartfelt thanks to the compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao, Taiwan compatriots, overseas Chinese and international friends who have long cared and supported the development of Hainan!
At the same time, there are still some problems in the province's economic and social development. The 13th Five-Year Plan has set a total of 32 indicators, 14 of which are binding indicators, and 13 out of 18 expected indicators are up to the standard. Due to factors such as the phased impact of active control of real estate, 5 of them are not up to the standard [26] . The provincial "two sessions" in 2020 were held earlier than the outbreak of the epidemic. The provincial party committee and the provincial government then decided not to adjust the expected goals, maintain the enthusiasm for work, and stimulate economic resilience. In the end, many indicators were better than the national ones, but 9 were still lower than expected. [27]. In addition, there are obvious shortcomings in industrial development; the level of scientific and technological innovation is backward; the development of agriculture and rural areas is insufficient and unbalanced, and the gap between urban and rural regional development and income distribution is large; The work style and professional ability of the cadre team are not suitable for the requirements of the free trade port construction, and so on. In this regard, we must practically solve it.
2. The main goals and tasks
of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period The "14th Five-Year Plan" period is the first five years to start a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and it is the key five years for building a free trade port with Chinese characteristics with high quality and high standards. The golden opportunity period and important window period for Hainan's development. In accordance with the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "April 13" important speech, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the Central Document No. 12, the "Overall Plan" and the Provincial Party Committee's "Planning Proposal"[28], the provincial government has formulated the "Hainan Provincial National People's Congress". The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development and the Outline of the 2035 Vision (Draft) are submitted to the General Assembly for deliberation.
The "Planning Outline (Draft)" focuses on the main goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan", defines the main tasks for economic and social development in the next five years, and focuses on the following eight aspects.
(1) Highlight institutional integration and innovation, and initially establish a free trade port policy and institutional system. Complete the relevant tasks of the first phase of the institutional arrangement of the free trade port, strive to have the hardware conditions for customs closure by the end of 2023, and complete all preparations for customs closure by the end of 2024. Promote benchmark projects such as clinical real-world data application [29] to seize the "world first". Highlight the rule of law, internationalization and facilitation, and promote the overall business environment to reach the domestic first-class level. Implement a medium- and long-term action plan to optimize the business environment. Guided by the sense of acquisition by market players, we will build a stable, fair, transparent and predictable enterprise development environment. Improve the business environment evaluation and assessment and achievement application mechanism, forcing the government to continuously change its functions. Fully implement the action plan for the integration and innovation of the free trade port system. Carry out the evaluation of system innovation achievements. Breakthroughs have been made in key areas such as investment and financing, land management, park construction, and state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises. Increase the introduction and training of talents, and attract more scientists, leading talents and professional talents.
(2) Fully integrate into the new development pattern and accelerate the cultivation of new advantages in cooperation and competition with Hainan characteristics. Based on the strategic intersection of domestic and international dual circulation, focusing on expanding traffic, connecting with the super-large domestic market internally, and attracting global high-quality resources to gather externally, it has become a "reaction furnace" for both domestic and international markets and two resources. Improve the island-wide tax-free sales network, realize the full connection between foreign commodities and domestic purchasing power, and attract 300 billion yuan of tax-free shopping back. Accelerate the construction of an international education innovation island, so that Chinese students can enjoy world-class educational resources at their doorstep, attracting 50,000 students to return to school. In addition, the construction of the Happy City pilot area will promote the effective connection between international advanced medical resources and domestic health needs, attracting 500,000 overseas medical visits and 1.5 million non-going medical treatment. Accelerate the construction of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, attract global animal and plant germplasm resources to import and transfer in Hainan, and promote a substantial increase in the trade volume of the seed industry. Make good use of the "processing value-added" tax policy[30] to cultivate new economic growth points. Deeply integrate into the "Belt and Road" construction, make good use of investment and trade liberalization and facilitation policies, promote offshore new international trade, offshore innovation and entrepreneurship, and the development of productive service industries, and promote foreign-invested foreign trade to a new level. Improve the domestic and international accessibility, open 160 domestic and foreign air routes to 646, and increase the number of accessible cities to 200, with a passenger throughput of 60 million. 20 more domestic and foreign trade routes were opened, reaching 100 ports around the world, with a cargo throughput of 266 million tons, an increase of 20%. The construction of the international shipping hub of the new western land-sea passage has been accelerated, and the added value of the province's logistics industry has reached 30 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 12%. Enriching the carrier of international exchanges, Boao has become an important political and business dialogue platform with an informal, comfortable and harmonious meeting atmosphere and idyllic scenery. Deepen the joint development with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Pan-Pearl River Region and the Yangtze River Delta. Promote the integration of ports and shipping, and realize the seamless connection of industrial development, social management and environmental resource protection across the Qiongzhou Strait.
(3) Focus on the national strategy, the frontier of science and technology, and the urgent local needs, and use unconventional means to fight a scientific and technological turnaround. Build the three major scientific and technological innovation highlands of seed industry, deep sea and aerospace, strive for the establishment of national laboratories in Hainan, cultivate a number of national key laboratories, and build national deep-sea science and technology bases, achievement incubation and transformation bases, and major aerospace industry bases. Gather the national research force of tropical disciplines to conquer a number of tropical diseases. Build a pilot demonstration base for the transfer and transformation of major new drug creation achievements, and strive to break through 10 innovative drugs. Expand the application scenarios of "Smart Hainan", and lead the country in the fields of "integration of multiple regulations", education, medical care, and emergency response. Actively promote the construction of pilot pilot areas for natural gas hydrate exploration and development in key sea areas. The expansion and acceleration of high-tech enterprises was implemented, and the number of enterprises exceeded 3,000. Achieve an average annual increase of 34% in R&D investment, with an investment intensity of 1.6%, and the number of invention patents per 10,000 population is 6.2.
(4) Build a modern industrial system and take the lead in the country in promoting high-quality economic development. Consolidate the foundation of the real economy, form a "3+1" industrial development pattern of tourism, modern service industry, high-tech industry, and tropical characteristic and high-efficiency agriculture, and promote the average annual growth of regional GDP by more than 10% and the per capita GDP to reach a new level. steps. Speed ​​up the construction of an international tourism consumption center. Implement quality-first and all-for-one tourism strategy, the tourist road around the island and the central tropical rainforest have become new tourist attractions, develop characteristic tourism industry clusters, significantly increase the per capita stay days and consumption of tourists, and increase the proportion of the added value of tourism in the regional GDP. to 12%. Speed ​​up the development of modern service industry. Expand the scale of modern logistics, medical and health care, modern finance, business services and other industries, and break through the development bottlenecks of international cold chain logistics, special disease health care, and international design islands. Modern service industry accounts for more than half of the service industry. Accelerate the development of high-tech industries. The total industrial output value exceeded 1 trillion yuan. Strengthen three strategic emerging industries such as digital economy, new petrochemical materials, and modern biomedicine. Cultivate and expand future industries such as seed industry, deep sea, and aerospace. The total scale of the "land, sea and air" industry exceeds 35 billion yuan. Promote the three advantageous industries of clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and high-end food processing. Realize that the output value of the agricultural product processing industry exceeds the agricultural output value. Accelerate the development of high-efficiency agriculture with tropical characteristics. Do a good job of "rice bags", and resolutely stop the "non-agricultural transformation" of arable land and the "non-grain transformation" of arable land. 1 million mu of high-standard farmland will be newly constructed and renovated, new varieties such as unique tropical fruits, ornamental fish, and flowers will be introduced and cultivated, and the development of the entire industrial chain such as “Three Trees”[31] will be promoted. Promote the transformation of marine fisheries and fishermen, double the number of deep-water cages, and build 12 modern marine ranches. Speed ​​up the construction of industrial parks. Improve industrial supporting capabilities, focus on cultivating industrial clusters, plan and implement a number of large projects, and build several 100 billion-level industries and a number of 10-billion-level parks. The annual operating income of key parks is 1.2 trillion yuan, and their contribution to the economy exceeds 30%.
(5) Adhere to the concept of system, and basically realize "one game of chess in the whole province and one city in the whole island". Promote the "2+4+N" construction pattern. The comprehensive economic circle of "Haicheng Wending" and the tourism economic circle of "Greater Sanya" have been integrated. The four central cities of Haikou, Sanya, Danzhou and Qionghai have improved their radiation and driving capabilities, and several counties have taken the lead in improving quality and capacity. Promote new urbanization. The urbanization rate of the province's permanent population has increased to 65%. Build a number of towns with a population of 1 million, 400,000 and 200,000. Standardize and orderly guide the population in rural areas to transfer and gather in the county seat, the surrounding area of ​​the county seat, and the gradient of cities and towns. Accelerate the urbanization of the agricultural transfer population, and fully implement the island-wide unified residence permit system with the resident ID number as the unique identifier. Implement a new mechanism in which public resources are allocated according to the actual size of the population served. Build an ecological, livable, resilient and smart city. Improve the level of urban digitalization, build high-quality urban ecology and security systems, vigorously improve disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities, and effectively manage traffic congestion, urban waterlogging and other "urban diseases". Deepen the reform of "multi-regulation in one". Upgrade the function of the "multi-plan integration" information comprehensive management platform to realize the whole chain management and control of planning preparation, review and implementation, monitoring and early warning. Adhere to the overall planning of land and sea, and improve the construction of Sansha and the service guarantee level of the South China Sea. Promote the integration of land reclamation space planning, land use, industrial investment, public services and project construction. Resolutely curb the increase of "two violations", and basically complete the phased rectification of existing problems. To realize the village planning should be compiled. Speed ​​up infrastructure construction. Promote the multi-level road network of "'Feng' type + ring line" [32] to connect across the board, and achieve 3-hour access to the whole island. A one-hour commute is achieved in the two economic circles, and the construction of intercity rail transit in the circles is accelerated. Promote the third-phase expansion of Meilan Airport and the planning and construction of Sanya New Airport, Dongfang Cargo Airport and Danzhou Airport. A modern port group of "four squares and five ports" will be formed. The total cost of social logistics accounted for about 13% of the regional GDP. Realize full coverage of 5G networks in all townships and administrative villages where conditions permit, international submarine cables are put into use, and the level of information infrastructure is leading in China. Completed the construction of the country's first comprehensive demonstration province of smart grid, and obtained the core power indicators to reach the national first-class level. Accelerate the construction of "Gasification Hainan", and basically achieve full coverage of gas in urban and rural areas. Promote the construction of a green and smart water network, and basically build a backbone network of island-type water conservancy facilities.
(6) Expand the realization path of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" and form a model for ecological civilization construction in Hainan. Strengthen system design. Establish a mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products, and build a system of property rights and paid use of natural resources assets. Implement a coordinated mechanism for emission reduction and carbon reduction, implement key carbon capture and application projects, and achieve carbon peaking ahead of schedule. Carry out research on ocean carbon sinks. Improve ecological compensation methods for cities and counties in the central region, upstream and downstream river basins, wetlands, and oceans. Advance iconic projects. The proportion of clean energy installed capacity will reach about 80%, and the installed capacity of renewable energy power generation will increase by 4 million kilowatts. The proportion of clean energy vehicle ownership and vehicle-to-pile ratio have reached the leading position in the country. Fully implement prefabricated buildings and accelerate the development of tropical building materials industry clusters. Steadily promote the "plastic ban" to form a complete industrial chain of fully biodegradable materials and products. A tropical rain forest national park will be basically built to better protect rare and endangered animals and plants such as Hainan gibbons and cycads. Accelerate to make up for shortcomings. The harmless sanitary toilets in rural areas are basically covered, and the harmless treatment rate of garbage reaches 100%. Basically realize the full collection and full treatment of sewage in all cities and counties. The marine sanitation system will be implemented, the total amount of pollutant discharge in key sea areas will be fully implemented, and pollution prevention and control in key bays, fishermen's conversion to production, and the large-scale green transformation of aquaculture have entered a benign track. Start the construction of a large-scale collection, storage, utilization and disposal system for industrial solid waste. The province promotes green burial. By 2025, the proportion of days with good air quality in the province will remain above 98%, the concentration of fine particles will drop to 11 micrograms/m3, the ozone concentration will be controlled within 120 micrograms/m3, the forest coverage rate will remain above 62%, and new mangroves will be added. The wetland area is 25,000 mu, the amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides used has been reduced by more than 10%, and the proportion of provincially controlled surface water quality has reached 95%.
(7) Focus on quality and characteristics, and let the people share the fruits of the construction of the free trade port. Adhere to do our best and do what we can, the growth rate of fiscal and people's livelihood expenditure is not lower than the "13th Five-Year Plan", the per capita income of urban and rural residents has reached the middle and upper level in the country, and the people's livelihood characteristic projects will strive to set the national benchmark. Realize the historic shift from poverty alleviation to comprehensive rural revitalization. Form a normalized assistance pattern for rural low-income population with both development and security. Strengthen the training of farmers, and complete the transfer of rural labor force to 90,000 people every year. Eliminate collective economic "shell villages" within two years. Basic public services such as rural education and health have reached the forefront of the country. Solve the problems of people's livelihood. More than 150,000 new urban jobs are created every year, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate is controlled within 5.5%. Intensify efforts to ensure supply and stabilize prices, and reverse the high price of "vegetable basket" products in the country. Build 250,000 sets of affordable commercial housing, and provide housing security to local residents and introduced talents at preferential prices [33]. Improve the housing rental market. Implement urban organic renewal, complete the task of transforming old communities and shanty towns, and fully realize "meter reading and household access". Every year, a number of people's livelihood practical affairs are done. Leading the development of education with an international education innovation island. Promote the high-quality and balanced development of basic education, and the main indicators of education at all stages from kindergarten to university have reached the middle and upper level in the country. The average number of years of education of the working population is 11.5 years, ranking among the top in the country. Cultivating Hainan students' "characteristic imprint"[34] to become a national model for quality education. Improve the level of medical and health care. Improve the layout of tertiary hospitals in the province. There are 6.5 beds and 3.1 practicing (assistant) physicians per 1,000 population. To fully realize "slight illnesses do not enter the city, serious illnesses do not leave the island". The average life expectancy has reached the national advanced level. Improve social security capabilities. There are 3 nursery places for infants and young children under 3 years old per 1,000 population, and the proportion of nursing care beds for the elderly reaches 60%. The large-scale medical expense subsidy system for urban employees is effectively implemented, and the five insurances should be fully covered. Form a gradient assistance pattern for urban and rural subsistence allowances, extremely poor people, and low-income families. Comprehensively enhance cultural soft power. Strengthen cultural self-confidence, carry forward the spirit of the special zone, carry out in-depth civilized action, and build Hainan civilized island. Coordinate cultural undertakings and cultural industries, promote the development of the entire industry chain of animation, film and television, and promote the integrated development of tourism, culture and sports. Expand the global influence of the Hainan Island International Film Festival and the Hainan International Tourism Island Happy Festival, organize the 12th National Ethnic Minority Traditional Sports Meeting, and promote Li and Miao's "March 3" and other ethnic festivals to enhance their international and tourism elements. Ten iconic public cultural facilities in the provincial capital[35] were put into use, and the comprehensive cultural facilities in towns and villages (communities) were fully covered. Accelerate the construction of a national sports tourism demonstration zone.
(8) Coordinate development and security, and weave a risk prevention and control network for free trade ports. Prevent and control trade, investment and financial risks. Build a social management informatization platform, attract all-round management services for people flow, logistics and capital flow, and effectively control smuggling activities. Improve anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing and anti-tax evasion assessment and governance mechanisms. Prevention and control of public health and ecological risks. Realize the full coverage of the infectious disease monitoring and treatment system at the provincial level, 5 key regions, and the county level, and establish a joint prevention and control mechanism for overseas epidemics and harmful organisms. Optimize the layout of hazardous waste disposal facilities, and increase the medical waste disposal capacity to 100%. Prevention and control of real estate risks. Adhere to the principle of "housing and not speculating", maintain real estate regulation, implement the main responsibility system of cities and counties, and stabilize housing prices, land prices, rents, and expectations. Strengthen emergency response capacity building. Improve the coordinated and unified "big emergency" management pattern of prevention, rescue, disposal, and security, deploy and build 5 comprehensive emergency material reserve bases, and form the ability to independently produce necessary emergency materials on the island. Maintain social security and stability. Improve the grassroots governance system, rationally allocate grassroots service management resources, standardize the development of social organizations, and create a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing. Implement the key projects of rule of law in Hainan and safe Hainan, continuously improve the level of rule of law in the province, improve the foundation of social security prevention and control, strengthen public safety supervision, and create the safest area in the country. Carry out activities to create national unity and progress, and forge a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation.
3. Main work in
2021 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party and the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". It is also a key year for Hainan to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up and accelerate the construction of a free trade port. The overall requirements for this year's government work are: guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee, and adhere to the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability. The general tone is to be based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, integrate into the new development pattern, take the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up as the guide, promote high-quality development as the theme, and deepen the supply-side structural reform as the main line, so as to meet the growing demands of the people. A better life needs to be the fundamental purpose, put system integration and innovation in a prominent position, adhere to the system concept, consolidate and expand the achievements of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, better coordinate development and security, do a solid job of "six stability", and fully implement the "six stability" work. "Six Guarantees" tasks, adhere to the strategy of expanding domestic demand, strengthen the strategic support of science and technology, accelerate the construction of a free trade port, ensure a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan", and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with excellent results.
The main expected goals for economic and social development this year are: the growth of regional GDP by more than 10%, the growth of local general public budget revenue by about 3%, the growth of fixed asset investment by about 10%, the total retail sales of consumer goods by about 15%, the growth of urban and rural permanent residents The per capita disposable income will increase by about 10% and 11%, more than 150,000 new urban jobs will be created, the urban surveyed unemployment rate will be about 5.5%, the increase in consumer prices will be controlled at about 3%, and the concentration of fine particulate matter will be reduced from the previous year's control target by 1 micrograms per cubic meter, to ensure that the energy conservation and emission reduction control targets set by the state are met, and the carbon reduction control goals set by the state are exceeded.
Highlight the following 11 aspects and 33 tasks.
(1) Early arrangements for free trade ports
1. Implement policy measures. Cooperate with the introduction of relevant policies and systems for the free trade port, the legislation of the Hainan Free Trade Port Law and the adjustment of laws and regulations, and formulate and improve supporting regulations and normative documents. In-depth and detailed policy promotion. Make good use of policies such as "delivery by mail" for duty-free shopping on outlying islands, "storage in outlying islands, return to the island for pick-up" and duty-free purchase of imported goods, and strive to achieve tax-free sales exceeding 60 billion yuan. Make good use of the "processing value-added" tax policy to form a number of iconic industrial projects. Make good use of the policies that have been introduced such as "zero tariff", exert the superposition effect of policies, attract market players to settle in Hainan, and form industrial agglomeration. Vigorously expand new businesses such as offshore new international trade, international ship registration, bonded oil filling, aircraft financial leasing, and aviation maintenance.
2. Speed ​​up the construction of major functional platforms. Policies and measures to support the further development and opening up of Yangpu Economic Development Zone were introduced, and the working mechanism of "multiple parks in one district" was improved. Promote the construction of a scientific research base for drug and medical device supervision of the State Food and Drug Administration, and organize a conference on real-world data and evidence research. Promote Yangpu Bonded Port Area's "first-line" liberalization and "second-line" control policies to other areas under special customs supervision. Establish an access and exit mechanism for provincial key parks.
3. Step up research preparations for customs clearance. Focus on the "second-line" management system arrangements and management methods. Initiate research on the reform of the simplified tax system. Complete the phased goal of building a social management information platform, improve the dynamic service management mechanism for visa-free entry personnel in Qiong, and operate the Qiong-Guang-Guang anti-smuggling joint prevention and control mechanism on a regular basis. Establish a regulatory system that connects with international high-level economic and trade rules. Complete the port layout planning for free trade ports, and start port construction and upgrading. Substantially operate comprehensive law enforcement points in non-customs locations. Accelerate the construction of the Sanya customs supervision and isolation area. Promote the construction of hardware facilities such as the new seaport comprehensive transportation hub.
4. Continuously optimize the business environment. Formulate an annual action plan for optimizing the business environment, introduce an implementation plan for important quantitative indicators of the business environment to catch up with the domestic first-class level, and establish a monthly reporting and notification system for work promotion. Deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating power and improving services", canceling, delegating and adjusting a number of administrative licensing items. Implement the "zero-run" reform of government services, vigorously promote "online service" and "handheld service", further optimize services such as "one-license service", "province-wide handling", and "one-time handling" and other services, and improve the registration system for commercial entities. The business start-up time is reduced to 1 day. Clarify the annual quantitative goals and tasks of the reform of the approval system for engineering construction projects, and strive to achieve the best in the country within three years. Improve the service mechanism for key enterprises, and form a scale of 100 service objects within the year. Implement a fair competition review system. Realize the normalization of "double random, one open" in the field of market supervision. Establish a comprehensive public credit evaluation system and develop more than 5 credit information application scenarios. Build a business environment evaluation mechanism in which "market players have the final say" and enterprises and service objects fully participate.
(2) About scientific and technological innovation
1. Create a key scientific and technological innovation platform. Complete the national laboratory declaration. Introduce 1 to 2 large institutes. Strive for approval to build a state key laboratory. Promote national top science and technology institutions to establish deep-sea and aerospace technology innovation platforms in Hainan. Strive for the Sanya headquarters of the National Saline-tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center to be listed and put into operation. Promote the substantive operation of the Hainan Seed Innovation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Create a national blockchain pilot area. Implement the capacity enhancement project of local scientific research institutes.
2. Improve the scientific and technological innovation support system. Improve the scientific research project and fund management system, and improve the scientific and technological project evaluation and inspection mechanism. Implement the system of "revealing the list and leading the way" for key projects. Strengthen the construction of academician innovation platform and flexibly introduce high-level talent teams. Develop a negative list of work permits for foreign scientific and technological talents to come to Qiong. Establish and improve the high-tech enterprise database and cultivate a backup database. Build a public service platform for scientific and technological innovation, and introduce service institutions for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Explore the establishment of a pilot demonstration zone for comprehensive protection of intellectual property rights in Yazhou Bay. Give play to the guiding role of financial funds, and set up scientific and technological credit risk compensation funds and scientific and technological achievements transformation investment funds.
(3) On expanding opening up
1. Promoting open cooperation. The 2021 annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia and the 20th anniversary celebrations will be well held. Complete the standard construction of foreign language signs in public places. Promote the total import and export of goods and services to increase by 12% and 15%, and the actual utilization of foreign capital to increase by 15%. Adjust and optimize investment mechanisms such as gambling agreements. Strive to introduce 100 key enterprises throughout the year. Complete the integration of port and shipping in the Qiongzhou Strait, and plan to build a cross-strait land-island logistics park.
2. To hold the first China International Consumer Goods Fair. Make good use of overseas exhibits at national-level exhibitions to enjoy tax-free policies for import and sales during the exhibition period, attract more than 800 world-renowned brands to participate in the exhibition, set up special exhibition areas such as diamond jewelry and fashion life, and strive for the internationalization of the exhibition, the value of exhibits per unit area, and the first launch. The number of exhibitions is leading in China.
(4) About the modern industrial system
1. Develop tourism. Fully implement the 30 action measures to revitalize the tourism industry, and promote a 30% increase in total tourism revenue. Introduce internationally renowned theme parks and hotels to settle down. Speed ​​up the construction of tourist roads around the island, and start construction of 3 post stations within the year. Promote the application of the Smart Tour Hainan APP to achieve "one mobile phone tour of Hainan". Create 1 or 2 global tourism demonstration cities (counties), 5 A-level tourist attractions, 15 Jinsu Yinsu [36], 2 provincial-level tourist towns, and 15 coconut-level rural tourist spots [37]. Create a tropical rainforest tourism industry cluster, and expand marine tourism categories such as yachts, cruise ships, sea fishing, and surfing.
2. Develop modern service industry. Accelerate the development of the modern logistics industry, and promote the scale and level of new shipping businesses such as bonded warehousing, international logistics and distribution, and container demolition and consolidation. Focus on cultivating the medical and health industry, and promote the construction of nine major projects such as the Lecheng Pioneer Zone [38]. Realize new breakthroughs in business types such as respiratory disease rehabilitation. Support financial innovation to serve the real economy, build a financial platform for centralized and unified trading and clearing and settlement in the over-the-counter commodity market, steadily advance the pilot program of a bank settlement account system that combines domestic and foreign currencies, and support direct financing by high-quality enterprises. Strengthen the convention and exhibition industry, hold 155 conferences with more than 1,000 people and 125 various exhibitions, and achieve a comprehensive income growth of more than 65%.
3. Develop high-tech industries. Strive for the output value of high-tech industries to exceed 200 billion yuan, and the number of enterprises to reach 1,100. Promote the growth of the digital economy by 30%, and establish and operate a dedicated international Internet data channel. More than 3 new drugs have been created. Promote the "land, sea and air" future industry to gather more industry leaders. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of industries such as clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and high-end food processing, and promote the construction of Haikou New Energy Automobile Industry Cluster, Changjiang Clean Energy High-tech Industrial Park, Lingao Gold Medal Port Green Building Materials Industry Base, and Hainan Wanling Agricultural Products Processing and Logistics Park. .
4. Develop high-efficiency agriculture with tropical characteristics. Ensure that the sown area of ​​grain is not less than 4.07 million mu. In winter, the planting area of ​​melons and vegetables has increased steadily, and the number of live pigs has reached more than 3.5 million. Expand natural rubber price (income) insurance coverage. 400,000 mu of new high-standard farmland. Five new agricultural industrialization leading enterprises have been added, and three southern medicine production bases have been established. Promote the construction of Guilinyang National Tropical Agricultural Park and Wenchang Fengjiawan Modern Fishery Industrial Park.
(V) About promoting investment
1. Optimizing investment structure. Three-year action to implement the new policy on investment in free trade ports. Vigorously promote industrial investment, the proportion of total investment increased to 64%. Promote the quality and upgrade of traditional infrastructure, and speed up the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G, big data, artificial intelligence, charging piles, and rail transit. Strengthen investment in public services, education, health care, renovation of old communities and other areas of people's livelihood. More than 90 projects of more than 1 billion yuan have been implemented, with an annual investment of about 70 billion yuan.
2. Adhere to the project is king. Implement the whole chain management of project investment, landing, operation and service. Continue to carry out the activities of starting construction on a single month and signing contracts on a bimonthly basis. Implement the responsibility system for major projects, and realize the list-based management of projects with a total investment of more than 5 million yuan. Establish a comprehensive guarantee system for the whole process and all elements of the project by classification and classification. Improve the three service mechanisms of "serving enterprises, serving projects, and serving grassroots". Carry out project planning and special actions.
(VI) About factor guarantee
1. Strengthen planning management and control. Completing the preparation of provincial, municipal and county territorial and spatial planning, and promoting the preparation of detailed planning for towns and parks, and the preparation of village planning. Strengthen the management and control of urban design and style, and implement the improvement of rural architectural style in an orderly manner.
2. Improve the efficiency of land allocation. Implement a new provincial-level land reserve operation mechanism, and increase the reserve by more than 8,500 mu. Implement the "New Land Policy"[39], strengthen the protection of land use, forest and sea use, and improve the system of tilting factors to key areas, key parks, and key projects. Establish a system for comprehensive evaluation of benefits per mu and differential allocation of resource elements. Implement the mechanism of "linking additional deposits", and the land that has been approved but not offered and idle land has been reduced by more than 15%. Improve the management methods for the approval of homesteads, continue to rectify outstanding problems such as "two violations", indiscriminate occupation of cultivated land in rural areas to build houses, and land areas, to ensure zero growth in illegal construction and 50% of the stock.
3. Deepen the reform of investment and financing. Promote the establishment of the Hainan Free Trade Port Construction Investment Fund. Establish and improve investment and financing models for transportation, water affairs, and industrial parks. Standardize the application of public-private partnership (PPP), franchising and other models, and carry out pilot projects for real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the infrastructure sector. The mileage fee reform was started, and the task was more than half completed.
(7) About rural revitalization
1. Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. A five-year transition period will be established for poverty alleviation cities and counties from the date of poverty alleviation, to maintain the overall stability of major assistance policies, and to optimize and adjust existing assistance policies one by one, effectively realizing the transition from centralized resources to support poverty alleviation to comprehensive rural revitalization. Strengthen the regular monitoring and assistance of the people who have been lifted out of poverty, marginalized people, and rural low-income people to ensure that there is no return to poverty and no new poverty.
2. Use rural industries to increase farmers' income. Improve the quality and efficiency of agriculture, promote the integration of agricultural tourism and agricultural business, and improve the interest linkage mechanism, so that farmers can share more of the value-added benefits of the industry. Start the collective economy "shell village" clearing action. Cultivate more than 5,000 high-quality farmers. Expand the scale of local farmers to work in key enterprises and key projects.
3. Improve the rural living environment. Implement the "Rural Construction Action" Hainan plan. Orderly development of shared farms. Build 10 characteristic industrial towns, 100 characteristic boutique beautiful villages, and complete the power grid transformation of 50 characteristic towns. Accelerate the control of agricultural non-point source pollution, and more than half of the administrative villages' domestic sewage treatment facilities have been built and operated normally. More than 50,000 toilets have been renovated.
4. Deepen the reform of rural agricultural reclamation. Accelerate the confirmation and registration of rural homesteads and collective construction land that integrate housing and land, with a certificate issuance rate of 95%. Complete the reform of the collective property rights system in 1985 villages, and explore the establishment of a rural collective property rights transaction market system covering the four levels of cities, counties (districts), towns and villages. Formulate policy opinions on high-quality development of reclamation areas, and implement pilot demonstration projects for integrated development of reclamation areas.
(8) About the construction of ecological civilization
1. Improve the system and mechanism of ecological civilization. Improve the assessment methods and management systems of natural resource assets owned by the whole people. Improve the control system for the total amount of land-based pollutants discharged into the sea. Deepen the reform of the pollutant discharge permit system. The establishment of an accounting system for the gross product of ecosystems [40], which was first implemented in tropical rain forest national parks. Formulate and implement plans for clean energy islands, nature reserves, and coastal protection and utilization.
2. Strengthen ecological environment governance. We will do a good job in two rounds of feedback from the Central Environmental Protection Inspector and the State Oceanic Inspector to rectify the problems. In-depth promotion of the six major special rectification of the ecological environment. Formulate green burial standards and promote land-saving ecological burial. Build a number of urban sewage treatment facilities to improve operational efficiency. Fully start the marine sanitation work. The completion rate of rectification and rectification of aquaculture ponds in prohibited areas reached 80%. Strengthen shoreline restoration. 400 hectares of mangrove wetlands were newly added, and 100,000 mu of afforestation was added.
3. Promote the construction of landmark projects. Research and formulate action plans for peaking carbon emissions. The proportion of clean energy installed capacity will be increased to 70%, and the full consumption of distributed power generation will be realized. Promote 25,000 clean energy vehicles and start the construction of a world new energy vehicle experience center. Promote the prefabricated construction project with an area of ​​17 million square meters, and promote the matching of the production capacity of parts and components with the demand. 4 prefecture-level cities have piloted waste sorting to improve their effectiveness, and other cities and counties have planned ahead. Expand the achievements of "plastic ban" and realize the standardization of substitutes and the traceability of the whole process. Promote the construction of tropical rain forest national parks and complete the ecological relocation of core protected areas.
(9) About social undertakings
1. Speed ​​up the development of educational undertakings. Innovate the introduction mechanism of high-quality educational resources at home and abroad, and realize the opening of the first batch of schools in the International Education Innovation Island. 30 public kindergartens were built, renovated and expanded to improve the sustainable development level of inclusive kindergartens. 300 were "reformed"[41], and 2 to 3 special education schools were built. A total of 18,000 students have been recruited through training in secondary and higher vocational schools. Support Hainan University Crop Science to enter the ranks of domestic first-class disciplines. Introduce and train more than 5,000 "good principals and good teachers". Implement the tasks of deepening the reform of education evaluation in the new era.
2. Speed ​​up the development of health services. 18 special campaigns for healthy Hainan were carried out [42]. Build the "Three Medical Linkages and One Network", implement the 5G Internet of Things-based capacity improvement project for grassroots medical and health institutions, and promote the construction of a close medical alliance and medical community in the county. Implement public health capacity-building programs. Accelerate the construction of "five centers" for trauma and chest pain in city and county general hospitals and 50 provincial clinical medical centers. Promoting projects such as the Provincial Public Health Center, the Provincial Maternity and Child Health Hospital, the South Hospital of the Provincial People's Hospital, and the Jiangdong Branch of the First Affiliated to Haiyi Medical University, the Boao Research Hospital will be built, and the main construction of the new Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be completed. Start the implementation of the global "full health" [43] Hainan demonstration project.
3. Speed ​​up the development of cultural and sports undertakings. Promote the construction of the second phase of the Provincial Library and the Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Center, and start the construction of cultural and sports facilities such as the Provincial Art Center, the Provincial Art Museum, the Hainan Science and Technology Museum, the International Media Port (Provincial News Center), and the Overseas Chinese Museum. China Football (South) The training base was completed and opened. Introduce social forces and open private museums. Organize water sports, beach sports, sailing around the island, cycling around the island and other events. Create brand festivals, and form a pattern of festivals and exhibitions with activities every month and every week.
(10) About people's livelihood work
1. Do a good job of people's livelihood. Establish a normalization mechanism that asks the needs of the people. This year, 9 practical projects for the private sector will be run well [44].
2. Grasp the "vegetable basket" project. Compact the "vegetable basket" city and county head responsibility system, establish a "vegetable basket" construction joint meeting system, reduce the vegetable price target responsibility system and supervise and evaluate the mechanism. Maintain a perennial vegetable base of 150,000 mu, with a vegetable self-sufficiency rate of 65%. Establish agricultural, commercial, agricultural, and supermarket docking and direct supply and direct sales sites, and the government will lead the construction and operation of a number of public welfare agricultural product wholesale markets and farmers' markets, and promote the cost of circulation to be reduced to the level of neighboring provinces. Realize a decline in the national ranking of comprehensive vegetable prices.
3. Improve social security. Completion of subsidized vocational skills training for more than 100,000 person-times. Do a good job in the employment of key groups such as college graduates, migrant workers, and the disabled. Strengthen the reception, placement and service guarantee of retired military personnel. The issuance of social security cards was accelerated, and the number of cardholders exceeded 9.37 million. Implement policies such as unemployment benefits. We will do a good job of helping employees in need to get out of trouble, develop charitable causes, and expand channels for social assistance.
4. Improve living conditions. The construction of 35,000 affordable commercial housing units was started, and the scope of implementation was expanded to more cities and counties. Carry out urban renewal operations, and renovate more than 400 old communities. Continue to promote "meter reading and household registration". Separate the rental housing land use plan, introduce incentive policies, and form practical cases such as the transformation and utilization of stock commercial housing, the construction of market-oriented rental housing, and the use of idle land to build rental housing. Promulgated the same right to rent and purchase measures to rectify and standardize the order of the housing rental market, and promptly deal with the hidden risks of long-term rental defaults.
(11) About safety construction
1. Continue to do a good job of normalized epidemic prevention and control. Adhere to "strictly control the entrance and release the island" to ensure that there is no large-scale input and rebound. Adhere to "personal protection" and launch a traceability system for imported goods, so that key groups of people should be inspected. Keep the three lines of defense in the community (rural areas), fever clinics, and epidemiological investigations, strengthen the capacity building of sentinel hospitals, nucleic acid testing laboratories, and fever clinics, and establish secondary laboratories for biosafety protection. Improve the epidemic information collection, risk research and judgment, and emergency response systems. Proceed in an orderly manner with vaccination against COVID-19.
2. Maintain social harmony and stability. Carry out pilot work on the modernization of social governance in cities and counties. Improve the mechanism for investigating and resolving the source of social conflicts and disputes. 66 new township (street) social work stations were established, and the village (community) "two committees" were replaced with high quality. Develop a list of industry organizations empowerment. We will carry out in-depth special rectification of prominent illegal and criminal problems, carry out regular anti-criminal efforts, and continue to launch a new round of three-year anti-drug campaign. Effectively strengthen the security work for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. Strengthen safety production in key areas such as transportation, construction, hazardous chemicals, and firefighting. Strengthen food and drug safety supervision. Strengthen the rectification of "three noes" ships. Take the lead in building the central emergency supplies reserve base. Improve the island's grain reserve capacity and level.
Delegates! To successfully complete the "14th Five-Year Plan" and this year's goals and tasks, it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the government's own construction. Improve your political standing. Adhere to the leadership of the party throughout all areas and the whole process of government work, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the provincial party committee, with the political consciousness of "the general secretary has orders, the central government has arrangements, and Hainan sees actions and results." Strengthen the "four awareness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two maintenance". Adhere to the feelings of the people. Take the benefit of the people as the most important political achievement, and solve the difficulties, blockages and pain points that the people care about with heart and soul, and implement them one by one, year after year. This year, the budget of non-rigid and non-key projects will be average Reduce by 5%, in exchange for the government to live a tight life in exchange for a better life for the people. Build effective government. Emancipate the mind, dare to try, dare to innovate, and use the reform method and the power of the market to solve problems and promote development. Vigorously promote the digital construction of the government, build and optimize e-government platforms such as government office systems, government services, and smart supervision. Resolutely resist all forms of formalism and bureaucracy, optimize government work processes, and realize multi-level linkages from provinces, cities and counties to grassroots organizations. Implement grass-roots execution improvement actions to solve the "last mile" problem of implementing higher-level decisions and serving the masses. Optimize the cross-departmental linkage and cooperation mechanism, establish a special class promotion mechanism for important work, and build a closed-loop operation system of "seven elements" of goals, platforms, projects, policies, reforms, mechanisms, and supervision and assessment. As long as possible, every work of the government must be quantified, project-based, and accountable to ensure that it is implemented and effective. Adhere to administration according to law. We will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, carry out demonstration and creation activities for a rule of law government, and promote the construction of a rule of law government to be at the forefront of the country. Consciously accept the laws of the National People's Congress, work supervision and democratic supervision of the CPPCC, listen to opinions and suggestions from various parties, actively accept the supervision of public opinion, and strengthen audit supervision. Improve the legalization of administrative decision-making, and improve systems such as government affairs disclosure, public hearings, decision-making consultation, and expert argumentation. Strictly implement the "three systems" [45] of administrative law enforcement to prevent arbitrary law enforcement. We will improve the mechanism for the government to keep its promises and fulfill its promises to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises. Strengthen system construction, continue to carry out special rectification of outstanding problems in land use and project bidding, and start special rectification of outstanding problems in the field of land and space planning. Always maintain a high-pressure anti-corruption attitude, resolutely fight against bad phenomena and corrupt behavior, and create a clean and upright government environment.
Delegates! Entering a new stage of development, Hainan shoulders a glorious mission. Hainan has a lot to do, and it will do a lot! Let us unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the strong leadership of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, work with one heart and one mind, take responsibility for progress, and start the "14th Five-Year Plan" brilliantly, in order to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up and accelerate the construction of China. Strive hard for the characteristic free trade port!


Explanation of terms
[1] Three major tests: coordinating normalized epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and building the Hainan Free Trade Port.
[2] Four early and four concentrated: early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment; centralized patients, centralized experts, centralized resources, and centralized treatment.
[3] Strictly control the entrance and let the island live: Give full play to the advantages of Hainan's relatively independent geographical unit, strictly control the airports, wharfs, etc. to enter Hainan, and create a relaxed environment for production and life on the island.
[4] Six stability and six guarantees: stable employment, stable finance, stable foreign trade, stable foreign investment, stable investment, and stable expectations; ensure the employment of residents, the basic livelihood of the people, the market players, the food and energy security, and the industrial chain and supply chain stability. , to ensure the operation of the grassroots level.
[5] Extraordinary measures: 7 measures to support the resumption of work and production of enterprises, 8 measures to support small and medium-sized enterprises to overcome difficulties, 10 measures to support migrant workers, 43 measures to promote growth, and 30 measures to promote tourism.
[6] The four do not take off: take off the hat without taking responsibility, take off the hat and do not take off the policy, take off the hat and do not take off the assistance, take off the hat and do not take off the supervision.
[7] Primary resistance and three guarantees: 10 measures of “anti-epidemic, ensuring sales, ensuring production, and increasing income” have been introduced to fully respond to the epidemic and minimize the impact on poverty alleviation.
[8] Six treatments: treatment of laziness, treatment of alcoholism, treatment of selfishness, treatment of waste, treatment of unfilial piety, treatment of filth and disorder.
[9] "Overall Plan": The overall plan for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port.
[10] Six requirements and six prohibitions: "Six requirements": firstly, care, tolerance and encouragement of the development of market entities; secondly, treat all market entities equally; Fourth, we must administer according to the law, "no disturbances"; fifth, we must communicate smoothly; sixth, we must boldly communicate with each other. "Six prohibitions": First, it is not allowed to abuse power to interfere and interfere in market economic activities such as bidding and bidding of enterprises; For reasons of government change, organization or function adjustment, and change of responsible persons, failure to fulfill the policy commitments made to market players and various contracts legally concluded, or default on goods, projects, services and other accounts owed to market players; Formulate or designate intermediary service agencies in disguised form for market players; fifth, it is forbidden to arbitrarily inspect, apportion, charge, fine, and collect donations randomly; sixth, it is forbidden to seek personal interests, obtain remuneration, receive property.
[11] "New Deal" for tax-free shopping in outlying islands: The new policy for duty-free shopping in outlying islands will be implemented on July 1, 2020. The main adjustments include the increase of the tax-free shopping quota for outlying islands from 30,000 yuan per person per year to 100,000 yuan, unlimited times, and the cancellation of single items The tax-free limit for commodities is 8,000 yuan, the variety is increased from 38 to 45, 7 categories of commodities such as electronic products are added, and the single purchase quantity of cosmetics is increased from 12 to 30.
[12] Rolling promotion of pilot projects: The provincial party committee and the provincial government determine the key projects that are demonstrative and leading in the construction of free trade zones (ports), and establish a rolling promotion mechanism. 12 will be identified in 2018 and 2019, and another 10 will be identified in 2020.
[13] Social management information platform: In accordance with the concept of "one game of chess in the whole province, the whole island is integrated into one city", establish a dynamic real-time perception information management system, use advanced technologies such as 5G, big data, cloud computing and other advanced technologies to carry out innovative applications, and strengthen the control of entering and leaving the island. All-weather, real-time, visual and accurate identification and supervision of people flow, logistics, and capital flow, etc., to achieve three-dimensional rapid response by sea, land and air.
[14] Simplified examination and approval: Deepen the reform of “delegating power, delegating power, delegating power and improving services”, simplifying administrative examination and approval items to the maximum extent, simplifying the administrative examination and approval process, decentralizing the administrative examination and approval authority, improving the efficiency of administrative examination and approval, reducing the institutional transaction cost of enterprises, and optimizing the business environment.
[15] Prosperous work and low learning: Combined with the seasonal characteristics of Hainan hotels, scenic spots, travel agencies, and tourism and catering, and based on the actual training objects, implement an educational mechanism of working in the peak tourist season and learning and training in the off-season to promote the integration of production and education, and school-enterprise cooperation.
[16] Annual inbound tourists increased by 56%: Due to the impact of the epidemic, the number of inbound tourists in 2020 is not comparable. From 2016 to 2019, the annual average of inbound tourists to Hainan reached 1.142 million, which was 1.56 times the annual average of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. .
[17] Smart Hainan: Focusing on the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, give full play to the policy advantages of pilot and pilot, comprehensively introduce new concepts, new models, new mechanisms, and new applications, and make full use of advanced technologies and cutting-edge technologies to create a "digital twin first" "Province" as the main means, with the international information and communication open pilot area, the fine and intelligent social governance model area, the international tourism consumption intelligent experience island, and the open digital economy innovation highland as the four strategic positioning and development directions, leading and supporting the Hainan Free Trade Pilot Zone and free trade ports to achieve high-standard construction and high-quality development.
[18] All administrative villages have access to passenger cars: All 2,562 administrative villages in the province have access to passenger vehicles.
[19] All eligible natural villages have access to hardened roads: All 20,278 eligible natural villages in the province have access to hardened roads.
[20] 30 Measures of the Provincial Party Committee: In September 2017, the "Decision of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Strengthening the Construction of Ecological Civilization to Compose the Chapter of Beautiful Hainan, China", deployed 30 measures to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization.
[21] Three lines and one list: ecological protection red line, environmental quality bottom line, resource utilization line, and environmental access list.
[22] The four most stringent: The 2018 provincial government work report stated that the most rigorous planning, the most stringent measures, the most severe punishment, and the most serious accountability ensure that Hainan's ecological environment can only be better and not worse. .
[23] Two proportions: the proportion of children enrolled in public kindergartens will reach 50%, and the coverage rate of inclusive kindergartens will increase to 80%.
[24] The overall layout of “1+2+X” higher education: gather the strength of the whole province to run Hainan University well, implement the upgrading project of Hainan Normal University and Hainan Medical College, and promote the characteristic development of colleges and universities such as Hainan Tropical Ocean College.
[25] The rate of basic rehabilitation services for the disabled: the ratio of the number of persons receiving rehabilitation services to the number of persons in need of rehabilitation.
[26] The “13th Five-Year Plan” failed to meet five indicators: GDP, local general public budget revenue, investment in fixed assets, investment intensity of research and experimental development, and the number of invention patents per 10,000 population. The failure of the first three items to meet the standard is a periodical impact of real estate regulation.
[27] 9 main expected goals in 2020 have not been completed: the time for the deliberation and approval of the expected goals at the Third Session of the Sixth Provincial People’s Congress was before the outbreak of the epidemic. We did not adjust the expected goals, and insisted on working enthusiasm and motivation. Many indicators throughout the year were better than the national average, and 9 were lower than the annual expectations: the expected growth rate of GDP is about 6.5%, and the completion of 3.5%; the local general public budget The expected growth rate of revenue is about 6.5%, and the completion is 0.2%; the total retail sales of consumer goods is expected to grow by about 7%, and the completion is 1.2%; the total import and export volume of goods is expected to grow by about 10%, and the completion is 3%; the service import and export volume is expected to grow rapidly In terms of GDP and trade in goods, it is -15.3%; the R&D investment intensity is expected to grow by about 0.63%, and 0.57% is completed; the urban surveyed unemployment rate is expected to be around 5.3%, and about 5.7% is completed; the per capita disposable income of urban permanent residents is expected to grow 8%, 3% completed; the expected growth rate of per capita disposable income of rural permanent residents is 8.2%, 7.7% completed.
[28] "Planning Proposal": "Proposal on Formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Long-term Goals for 2035" by the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China.
[29] Clinical real-world data application: Medical institutions in the Lecheng Pioneer District use imported drugs and medical devices that are urgently needed for clinical use. The clinical data obtained can be used for product registration and regulatory decision-making through data collection, system processing, statistical analysis, and result evaluation. process.
[30] Tax policy on "processing value-added": For goods produced by encouraged industrial enterprises that do not contain imported materials or contain imported materials and whose value-added processing exceeds 30% (inclusive) at the Hainan Free Trade Port, the "second-tier" entry into the mainland will be exempted. Import duties are levied, and import value-added tax and consumption tax are levied according to regulations.
[31] "Three Trees" and other industries: coconut tree, rubber tree, betel nut, as well as agarwood, pear and other industries.
[32] "Feng" font + ring line: "Feng" font: "one vertical" from Haikou to Qiongzhong to Sanya, "three verticals" from Wenchang to Lingao in the north, Qionghai to Yangpu in the middle, and Lingshui to the east in the south "Horizontal"; ring line: the road around the island, such as the tourist road around the island.
[33] Provide housing security to local residents and introduced talents at preferential prices: According to the "Guiding Opinions of the Provincial Government Office on Carrying out the Pilot Work on the Construction of Affordable Commercial Housing", qualified local residents and introduced talents can be purchased at preferential prices. For affordable commercial housing, the average sales price shall be determined based on the housing price-income ratio of urban households in the city and county not exceeding 10 times, or not exceeding 60% of the average sales price of commercial housing in the city and county in the previous year. The specifics will be determined by the pilot cities and counties based on the actual situation.
[34] The "characteristic imprint" of Hainan students: The 2018 provincial government work report proposed that the overall quality of students should be continuously improved, so that healthy, sunny, studious, diligent, honest, and civilized students would become the characteristic imprints of Hainan students.
[35] Top 10 iconic public cultural facility projects in provincial capital cities: Provincial Art Center, Provincial Art Museum, Provincial Library Phase II, Provincial Mass Art Museum, Provincial Qiongju Opera Hall (merged into Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Center), International Media Hong Kong (Provincial News Center), Hainan Science and Technology Museum, Hainan International Art Institute, Haikou Bay Stage, Hainan Revolutionary Military Museum.
[36] Jinsu and Yinsu: Our province divides homestays into three levels: golden, silver and bronze, and rewards high-quality homestays.
[37] Coconut grade rural tourist spots: Our province divides rural tourist spots into five grades: one grade, two grades, three grades, four grades, and five grades.
[38] Nine major projects in the medical and health industry: Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone Project, Haikou Biomedicine and Translational Medicine Base Construction Project, Sanya Health Tourism Demonstration Base Construction Project, South Medicine Industry Standardization and Scale Improvement Project, Climate Therapy It is related to the construction project of special treatment center, the construction project of health care characteristic health town with health care service industry as the core, the construction project of national sports health demonstration zone, the construction project of consolidating basic medical and health services, and the construction project of talent training base.
[39] New land policy: Hainan implements flexible land use policies such as “expropriation only, no expropriation, no expropriation, no expropriation”, “lease first and then transfer, combination of lease and concession”, point land supply, and flexible tenure.
[40] Ecosystem gross product accounting system: a statistical and accounting system for ecosystem gross product, which measures the value of all ecological products provided by natural ecosystems in a specific geographical unit.
[41] Refinement: Improvement of weak links in compulsory education and capacity enhancement.

[42] 18 special actions for Healthy Hainan: Health Knowledge Popularization Action, Reasonable Diet Action, National Fitness Action, Tobacco Control Action, Mental Health Promotion Action, Healthy Environment Promotion Action, Maternal and Child Health Promotion Action, Primary and Secondary School Health Promotion Action, Occupational Health Protection Action, Elderly Health Promotion Action, Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease Prevention Action, Cancer Prevention Action, Chronic Respiratory Disease Prevention Action, Diabetes Prevention Action, Infectious Disease Prevention Action, Health Industry Promotion Action, Medical Service Capability Improvement Action, Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Promotion action.
[43] Whole health: a healthy whole that integrates human health, animal health and environmental health, involving human, animal, food, environment, etc. Human and animal health, maintenance and improvement of the ecological environment.
[44] 9 practical projects for the private sector: the installation of AED automatic defibrillators in junior high school schools in the province, the maintenance and renovation of student dormitories in public primary and secondary schools in the province, the improvement of life safety education and protection capabilities for primary and secondary school students in the province, the congenital heart disease of newborns Disease screening, diagnosis and treatment, raising the basic living standards for orphans and de facto unsupported children, free public transportation for severely disabled people, discounted interest on micro-loans for farmers, promotion of pilot comprehensive poverty prevention insurance across the province, and action to ensure supply of affordable vegetables across the province (“15+N” basic vegetables decreased by 0.5 yuan per catty on average compared with the previous year, while other vegetables decreased steadily, and the market share of state-owned enterprises’ affordable vegetables rose to more than 15%).
[45] The "three systems" of administrative law enforcement: the publicity system for administrative law enforcement, the system for recording the entire process of law enforcement, and the system for reviewing the legal system of major law enforcement decisions.