NMPA Research Base for Drug and Medical Device Regulatory Science Hainan Institute of Real World Data
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China's first key Laboratory of Real World Data Research and Evaluation settled in Hainan "Lecheng -

2021-03-09 325

A few days ago, the State Drug Administration issued the "Notice on the Accreditation of the Second Batch of Key Laboratories", Hainan Key Laboratory of Real World Data Research and Evaluation was recognized by the State Drug Administration, the first key laboratory of real world data research and evaluation in China Settled in Hainan.

This key laboratory is jointly built, managed and shared by three units, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Boao Super Hospital, and Hainan Boao Pilot Area Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center. Relying on the national strategy of Hainan Free Trade Port construction, the laboratory is guided by the innovation of the national drug and device supervision system and mechanism, integrating the comprehensive clinical advantages and scientific research strength of West China Hospital of Sichuan University and the policy and platform advantages of Boao Lecheng, focusing on innovative drugs And medical device approval and post-market supervision, build a real-world data platform of "Lecheng-Hainan-Nationwide". Based on the overall construction idea of ​​"based on Lecheng, radiating Hainan" to "based on Hainan, radiating the whole country", the laboratory takes Boao Lecheng as an experimental field to innovate real-world data research practices, and form a series of research results with the characteristics of Hainan Free Trade Port. In the future, it will play an important role in building a domestic leading and internationally advanced real-world data research system and cultivating and exporting high-level, multi-disciplinary talent echelons, and will provide powerful technologies for my country to seize the "world first" in the field of clinical real-world data application. support.