国家药监局药品医疗器械监管科学研究基地 海南乐城真实世界研究院
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1. 国防科技创新特区生物交叉领域项目、2017.9-2021.12、97.7万元、项目负责人

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:可模拟阶段性肿瘤发生的三维肺癌组织体外构建及其在肺癌发生发展机制与药物筛选研究中的应用、No. 31570996、2016/01-2017/12、项目负责人

3. 北京交通大学“青年英才培育计划”I类资助项目:肿瘤三维微环境体外模拟与构建研究、No. S15RC00010、2015/01-2017/12、20万元、项目负责人

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于miRNA分子递送水凝胶材料的可注射性心肌组织工程研究、No.81371696、2014/01-2017/12、70万元、项目负责人

5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金:温敏性壳聚糖水凝胶携带iPS细胞治疗心梗及其机制研究、No.81101160、2012/01-2014/12、23万元、项目负责人

6. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助、No.2012T50858、15万元,2012.6-2013.12、项目负责人

7. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目、No.20110491862、6万元, 2012.1-2013.12、项目负责人

8. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金:诱导型多能干细胞(iPSC)在肝脏全器官脱细胞基质中的分化、发育及其分子机制研究、No.31200734、2013/01-2015/12、 22万元、第二参加人

9. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:基于可注射性支架材料的心肌组织再生与构建的重要基础研究、No.31030032、2011/01-2014/12、200万元、第三参加人

10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:采用电纺丝纳米纤维材料为支架体外构建三维肿瘤组织的实验研究、No.30970742、2010/01-2012/12、32万元、第三参加人

11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:SSCs自增殖信号通路研究、No.30972090、2010/01-2012/12、32万元、第三参加人



  1. Gong Y, Liu H, Ke S, Zhuo L#, Wang H#. Latest advances in biomimetic nanomaterials for diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Jan 4;9:1037741. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.1037741. PMID: 36684578; PMCID: PMC9846151. IF:5.846  (#corresponding author)
  2.  Liu H, Gong Y, Zhang K, Ke S, Wang Y, Wang J#, Wang H#. Recent Advances in Decellularized Matrix-Derived Materials for Bioink and 3D Bioprinting. Gels 2023, 9(3), 195. doi: 10.3390/gels9030195, IF:4.432  (#corresponding author)
  3. Zhang S#, Wang H#. Current Progress in 3D Bioprinting of Tissue Analogs. SLAS Technol. 2019 Feb;24(1):70-78. (#corresponding author)
  4. Liu J, Zhu P, Song P, Xiong W, Chen H, Peng W, Wang S, Wang Y#, Wang H#. Pretreatment of Adipose Derived Stem Cells with Curcumin Facilitates Myocardial Recovery via Antiapoptosis and Angiogenesis. Stem Cells Int. 2015;2015:638153. (#corresponding author)
  5. Wang H, Shi J, Wang Y, Yin Y, Wang L, Liu J, Liu Z, Duan C, Zhu P, Wang C. Promotion of Cardiac Differentiation of Brown Adipose Derived Stem Cells by Chitosan Hydrogel for Repair after Myocardial Infarction. Biomaterials. 2014; 35: 3986-3998.  
  6. Wang H, Liu Z, Li D, Guo X, Kasper FK, Duan C, Zhou J, Mikos AG, Wang C. Injectable biodegradable hydrogels for embryonic stem cell transplantation: improved cardiac remodeling and function of myocardial infarction. J Cell Mol Med. 2012; 16: 1310-20.
  7. Wang H, Zhang X, Li Y, Ma Y, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Zhou J, Lin Q, Wang Y, Duan C, Wang C. Improved myocardial performance in infarcted rat heart by co-injection of basic fibroblast growth factor with temperature-responsive chitosan hydrogel. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2010; 29(8):881-7.
  8. Wang H, Zhou J, Liu Z, Wang C. Injectable cardiac tissue engineering for the treatment of myocardial infarction. J Cell Mol Med. 2010; 14(5):1044-1055.  
  9. Wang HB, Lü SH, Lin QX, Feng LX, Li DX, Duan CM, Li YL, Wang CY. Reconstruction of endometrium in vitro via rabbit uterine endometrial cells expanded by sex steroid. Fertil Steril. 2010; 93(7):2385-2395.
  10. Liu Z, Wang H*, Wang Y, Lin Q, Yao A, Cao F, Li D, Zhou J, Duan C, Du Z, Wang Y, Wang C. The influence of chitosan hydrogel on stem cell engraftment, survival and homing in the ischemic myocardial microenvironment. Biomaterials. 2012; 33: 3093-3106.  (* co-first author)
  11. Liu J, Wang H*, Wang Y, Yin Y, Du Z, Liu Z, Yang J, Hu S, Wang C, Chen Y. The stem cell adjuvant with Exendin-4 repairs the heart after myocardial infarction via STAT3 activation. J Cell Mol Med. 2014;18(7):1381-91.  (* co-first author)
  12. Liu J, Wang H*, Wang Y, Yin Y, Wang L, Liu Z, Yang J, Chen Y, Wang C. Exendin-4 Pretreated Adipose derived Stem Cells are Resistant to Oxidative Stress and Improve Cardiac Performance via Enhanced Adhesion in the Infarcted Heart. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 10;9(6):e99756.  (* co-first author)
  13. Lü SH, Wang HB*, Liu H, Wang HP, Lin QX, Li DX, Song YX, Duan CM, Feng LX, Wang CY. Reconstruction of engineered uterine tissues containing smooth muscle layer in collagen/matrigel scaffold in vitro. Tissue Eng Part A. 2009; 15(7):1611-1618.   (* co-first author)
  14. Liu ZQ, Wang HB*, Zhang Y, Zhou J, Lin QX, Wang YM, Duan CM, Wu KW, Wang CY. Efficient isolation of cardiac stem cells from brown adipose. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2010;2010:104296. (* co-first author)
  15. Lü S, Wang H*, Lu W, Liu S, Lin Q, Li D, Duan C, Hao T, Zhou J, Wang Y, Gao S, Wang C. Both the transplantation of somatic cell nuclear transfer- and fertilization-derived mouse embryonic stem cells with temperature-responsive chitosan hydrogel improve myocardial performance in infarcted rat hearts. Tissue Eng Part A. 2010; 16(4): 1303-1315.  (* co-first author)
  16. Zhang X, Wang H*, Ma X, Adila A, Wang B, Liu F, Chen B, Wang C, Ma Y. Preservation of the cardiac function in infarcted rat hearts by the transplantation of adipose-derived stem cells with injectable fibrin scaffolds. Exp Biol Med. 2010; 235(12):1505-15.  (* co-first author)
  17. Wang CY, Liu ZQ, Wang HB, Zhou J, Lü SH, Li JJ. Tissue Engineering for Myocardial Repair and Regeneration. Science (supplement): Regenerative Medicine in China. 2012; 336: s27-s28.





